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Department of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnologies


The beginning of the Department dates back to the period of Dublyany. Tillage School, 1856-1878. Although, there was no similar department  the academic program included such subjects as: zoology, anatomy and animal physiology, special animal breeding, veterinary and zootechnics.

During 1878-1919, when it was a High Tillage School and Tillage Academy, more subjects were provided for students such as: selection of domestic animals, pests of domestic animals, animal breeding, feeding of domestic animals and poultry, the technology of milk products, bee-keeping.

When the Faculty of Tillage and Forestry was set up at Lviv Politechnic, 1919, first departments were opened in Dublyany on the basis of Tillage Academy.

In 1920 the Department of Special animal feeding was established at the Faculty.

In 1947 Lviv Agrarian Institute was founded on the basis of the Faculty.

In 2007, when Lviv Agrarian University got its status, the Department was renamed as Department of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnologies’.


S.Vovk –  head of the Department, Doctor of Biology (PhD)

V.Kruzhel -  Candidate of Biology (PhD), assistant professor

V.Yurchyshyn - Candidate of Agriculture, assistant professor

S.Pavkovych -  Candidate of Agriculture, assistant professor

A.Tsyrulnyk – senior teacher

V.Yakymets – senior laboratory assistant

M.Siletska – senior laboratory assistant

M. Ivankiv – laboratory assistant

Scientific and research work

The main scientific issue of the Department is Development of national highly effective and ecological feed input with high content of protein and energy, based on the seeds of oil bean crops and fats, to substantiate its applying  of animal and poultry feeding’.

Staff of the Department developed and approved the formula.  For different age and productive groups of mixed fodder which include highly thermal  treated cattle cake and pellet obtained from national varieties of soy-bean seeds, sunflower and rape, and ‘protected’ vegetative and animal fats which significantly increase milk yield of cows, the content of protein and fat in milk, stimulates meat productivity of cattle, improve the quality of beef.

There is a Post Graduate course here. There is a laboratory of physiology and biochemical, and zoo-technical  investigation

Teaching process

Doctoral and Professor staff provide training for students:

The Faculty of Economics – Technologies of Animal Production

The Faculty of Mechanization and Power Engineering –Technologies of Farm Products Production, Forage Production and Animal Feeding, Controlling and Production of Farm Products, Biotechnology in Processed and Food Production

The Faculty of Land Management – Biotechnology

The Faculty of Farm Building and Architecture – Fundamentals of Biotechnological Production


80381, Lviv National Agrarian University

V.Velykyy  Street  1,  Dublyany, Lviv region

Tel.:224-29-39, fax(0322)42-941

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