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Department of Land Management Design


The Department of Land Management Design was established on December 20, 1950  in Lviv Agricultural Institute. The first head was Professor O.D. Shuleykin (1950-1983). Outstanding scientists and pedagogists worked at the Department: O.I. Aleksandrov, M.V. Andriyishyn, M.S. Bohira, M.D. Voloshchuk, V.V. Horlachyuk, K.Ya. Kondratenko, M.V Drozdyak, T.P. Mahazynshchykov, V.I. Pasternak, D.I. Solyarchuk, L.M. Tibilova and others.


Kolodiy P.P. - Head of the Department, assistant professor

Kazmir P.H. – professor

Flekey Z.P. - assistant professor

Yarmoluk V.I. - sssistant professor

Vashchyk S.M. - sssistant professor

Bohira M.S. - assistant professor

Stojko N.Ye. - acting assistant professor

Kysil V.H. – senior teacher

Cherechon O.I. - senior teacher

Soltys O.H. - senior teacher

Dudych H.M. – assistant

Dudych L.V. - assistant

Tkachuk L.V. – assistant

Kryshenyk N.I. – assistant

Syvulska H.I. – senior laboratory

Holovata O.V. – senior laboratory

Burchenya A.M. – Head of the computer room

Educational process

Teachers of the Department provide training in 19 subjects: Land Design, Geodesic Work of Land Management, State Control of Land Use, State Land Management Estimation, Modeling in Land Management, Economics of Land Use, Land Management Design Automation, Agrolandscape Organization of Territory and others.

Research work

Research work of the Department deals current issues of rationalizing land use in terms of private ownership of land by providing complex land management and rural land owning and land use.


Department of Land Management Design

Lviv National Agrarian University

80381, Lviv region, Zhovkivkva district,

town Dublyany, Studentska Street, 2

Tel.: (032) 22 42 961
