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The faculty of mechanization and power engineering

Legally the faculty of Farm Mechanization and Power Engineering was established at Lviv Agricultural Institute in 1946 but teaching of Agricultural Engineering started in 19th century when T. Rylskyy published his book in 1878 “Textbook of Tillage Mechanization”. The students of Tillage School in Dublyany were taught on the basis of this textbook.

Nowadays the Faculty of Farm Mechanization and Power Engineering is optimal combination of youth, scientific and pedagogical experience, important scientific investigation and old creative searching in the field of fundamental sciences.

There are 9 Departments at the Faculty:

-         Physics and Engineering Mechanics;

-         Projecting and Production Safety Management;

-         Power Engineering;

-         Electrotechnical systems;

-         Tractors and Automobiles;

-         Agricultural Machinery;

-         Mechanical Engineering;

-         Automatization of Cattle Farming, Quality and Standardization;

-         Exploitation and Maintenance of Machinery.

Students are trained in such directions:

-         Power Engineering and Electrotechnical Systems in AIC;

-         Processing, Machinery and Equipment of Agro-industrial Production;

-         Mechanical Engineering;

-         Automobile Transport

and specialties (EQL Specialist, Master):

-         Quality, Standardization and Certification;

-          Power Engineering of Agricultural Production;

-         Mechanization of Agriculture;

-         Equipment of Processing and Food Production;

-         Lifting, Building, Road, Land-reclamation Machinery and Equipment.

100 teachers, including 13 professors (Doctors of Sciences, PhD), 64 assistant Professors (Candidates of Sciences, PhD) provide education for students. There are more than 60 laboratories, research and experimental workshop, students’ projecting and technological office, library, machine fleet and training ground at the faculty.

Over 12,000 specialists who work in the field of agro-industrial production, power engineering and other fields of economics have been trained at the faculty. The Faculty is proud of its graduates who made a great input in the field of mechanization of agricultural production.