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Department of Agricultural Machines


Origins of the Department of Agricultural Machines dates back to the establishment of Higher Tillage School in Dublyany , and its establishment can be considered 1903 when the Department of Agricultural Engineering was established in the Academy. The first head of the Department was assistant professor Levchenko N.P. (1946 – 1964).

1964 – 1977 – the Head of the Department was Candidate of Engineering, assistant professor – Prokopenko D.D.

In 1977 – 2005 the Department was headed by the Honored Worker of the Education, professor – Rybaruk V.Ya.

Since 2005 the Head of the Department is the Candidate of Engineering – Krupych O.M.


Krupych O.M. – Candidate of Engineering, assistant professor, Head of the Department

Ripka I.I. - Candidate of Engineering, assistant professor

Kuzenko D.V. - Candidate of Engineering, assistant professor

Hoshko Z.O. - Candidate of Engineering, acting assistant professor

Semen Ya.V. - Candidate of Engineering, acting assistant professor

Levchuk O.V. – assistant

Zdobytskyy A.Ya. – assistant

Vasylkevych O.M. – technical teacher

Pryshlyak O.F. – technical teacher

Bardakhivskyy Yu.V. – technical teacher

Novovsad S.I. – senior laboratory assistant

Scientific and research work

The scientific work of the Department, established in 1985, is – the development of mechanized technologies and means for gathering and transportation of fruits.

The staff of the Department developed a lot of samples of the agricultural machines and mechanisms.

The Department cooperates with the Institute of Physics and Mechanics named after Karpenko (Lviv), Open Joint-Stock Company “Lvivagromachproect”, Krakiv agricultural Academy (Poland), and with many agricultural plants of mechanical engineering and repairing enterprises.

For conducting scientific researches the Department set agreements with All-Russian Selection Technological Institute of Horticulture and Seed Growing (Moscow), Western Scientific-Research Center of Engineering of Agro Technological System of National Scientific Center “Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification of UAAS”, Lviv research vegetable growing    station of  UAAS, Lviv branch of SRI of techniques and technologies prognosis and testing named after Pohorilyy L.

Educational process

The Department of Agricultural Machines is involved in training specialists of engineering and agricultural specialties. The students take courses in such subjects:

-         Agricultural and meliorative machines

-         Mechanic and technological properties of agricultural materials

-         System: machine-field

-         The fundamentals of mechanization and automation of agricultural production

-         The systems of exact farming

-         The fundamentals of technical creation and patent science

-         The road and meliorative machines

-         Building machines

In 2004 the Department began to train engineers in specialization “Professional study”, according to the educational qualification level “specialist” and students take course in “Methodology of teaching engineering disciplines” and “Methodology of knowledge control”.